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Happy Mind

Happy life.

Services Offered

Individual therapy

Individual therapy offers a confidential and supportive environment for exploring personal challenges, developing coping strategies, and fostering growth. Through one-on-one sessions with a trained therapist, individuals have the opportunity to address a wide range of issues, from managing stress and anxiety to improving relationships and overcoming past traumas. With a focus on collaboration and empowerment, individual therapy aims to enhance self-awareness, promote emotional resilience, and empower individuals to lead happier, more fulfilling lives.

Group therapy

Group therapy provides a supportive and collaborative environment where individuals come together to explore shared challenges and experiences. Led by a trained therapist, group sessions offer a unique opportunity for members to connect, gain insight, and receive feedback from peers facing similar issues. Through the sharing of perspectives, group members can develop a sense of belonging, validation, and support, while also learning from each other's strengths and insights. Group therapy fosters interpersonal skills, empathy, and a sense of community, making it a powerful and effective approach for addressing a wide range of mental health concerns and promoting personal growth.

Family therapy

Family therapy focuses on improving communication and resolving conflicts within the family unit. Led by a trained therapist, family sessions provide a safe space for members to address issues such as misunderstandings, behavioural problems, or significant life transitions. By exploring family dynamics and relationships, therapy aims to strengthen bonds, enhance understanding, and foster healthier patterns of interaction. Through collaboration and guided discussions, family members learn effective communication skills, problem-solving strategies, and coping mechanisms to navigate challenges together. Family therapy promotes empathy, resilience, and mutual support, ultimately leading to greater harmony and well-being within the family system.

Recovery Process

How it Works?

Step 1

Schedule an appointment

Schedule your appointment now to begin your journey with us. 


Step 2

Let’s find best solution for you

During this step, we’ll work closely with you to understand your unique needs and goals.


Welcome to Active Revolution Coaching

Active Revolution is a professional coaching business that works with individuals and businesses to move into gaining clarity in their objectives and coach who specialises in clarity and creative coaching. She is the Founder of Active Revolution Coaching, which she begun in 2018.

Aku is a Master NLP practitioner with a keen interest in becoming a Master NLP trainer. She has been interested in emotional intelligence and anthropology for over 15 years. Aku runs a number of workshops on self validation and clarity and is an advocate for teaching the techniques of self validation to children as well as adults.

Aku has worked in management for 10 years within some of the largest charities in the UK. She has been involved in programmes funded under the European Social Fund and has experience of working cross culturally.

These experiences and relationships has given her an edge of other coaching programmes. She believes that “evolution comes from within by unlocking the inner resources we bring about an ‘active revolution’ in our lives.”


Neuro-linguistic programming

Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) therapy is a form of psychological treatment that focuses on the connection between language, behaviour, and thought patterns. It operates on the belief that by understanding and adjusting these connections, individuals can overcome limitations and achieve personal growth. NLP therapy techniques often involve exploring how language and communication styles impact perception and behaviour, with practitioners using various tools such as visualisation, reframing, and pattern interruption to facilitate positive change. This approach aims to help individuals reprogramme their minds to achieve desired outcomes, whether in overcoming phobias, managing stress, improving relationships, or enhancing performance in various aspects of life. NLP therapy emphasises empowering individuals to take control of their thoughts and actions, leading to improved mental well-being and enhanced self-awareness.

While therapy apps offer convenience, NLP therapy provides a personalised, interactive, and holistic approach to mental and emotional well-being, ensuring that you receive the individualised support and guidance needed to achieve meaningful transformation.


Personalised Approach: NLP therapy offers a personalised approach tailored to your individual needs and goals. Unlike generic therapy apps, NLP sessions are guided by experienced practitioners who can adapt techniques and strategies to suit your specific circumstances.

Interactive Engagement: NLP therapy encourages active participation and engagement, fostering a deeper level of self-awareness and personal growth. Rather than relying solely on digital interfaces, NLP sessions involve direct interaction with a skilled practitioner who can provide immediate feedback and support.

Holistic Transformation: NLP therapy goes beyond symptom management to address underlying patterns of behaviour and thought. By exploring the connections between language, behaviour, and mindset, NLP empowers you to make profound and lasting changes that enhance all areas of your life.

Real-Time Support: In times of emotional distress or crisis, having access to real-time support from a trained professional can be invaluable. Unlike therapy apps, which may offer limited or delayed response options, NLP practitioners are available to provide immediate guidance and assistance when needed most.



Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) therapy is a form of psychological treatment that focuses on the connection between language, behaviour, and thought patterns. It aims to help individuals overcome limitations and achieve personal growth by understanding and adjusting these connections.

NLP therapy works by exploring the impact of language and communication styles on perception and behaviour. Through techniques such as visualisation, reframing, and pattern interruption, individuals can reprogram their minds to achieve desired outcomes.

NLP therapy can assist with a wide range of issues, including but not limited to overcoming phobias, managing stress, improving relationships, enhancing performance, and increasing self-awareness.


During an NLP therapy session, you can expect to work closely with a trained practitioner who will guide you through various techniques and exercises tailored to your specific goals and needs. Sessions may involve discussions, visualisations, and practical exercises aimed at promoting positive change.


How many sessions will I need?

The number of sessions needed varies depending on individual circumstances and goals. Some individuals may see significant progress after just a few sessions, while others may benefit from ongoing support over a longer period.

NLP therapy can be beneficial for many individuals, but it may not be suitable for everyone. It’s essential to discuss your goals and concerns with a qualified practitioner to determine if NLP therapy is the right approach for you.

The effects of NLP therapy can be long-lasting, especially when combined with ongoing self-awareness and practice of techniques learned during sessions. However, individual results may vary, and it’s essential to maintain an open dialogue with your practitioner to ensure continued progress.

What People Say

Client Testimonials

Aku and I met a few years ago while working in the same building. Her positive energy and zest for life is contagious and I was pleased that she asked me to be one of her first clients as a __life?___ coach. However, being an extremely ambitious young entrepreneur I felt that her training would be better suited to a less motivated and uncertain individual. I was very wrong. Aku helped me to define and prioritise my personal and fashion business goals, competitors and calendar which in turn has made me 10 times more productive than I was this time last year. I highly recommend Aku’s tailored services and friendly approach to anyone who is serious about improving their lives whatever stage they are currently at.


Active Revolution Retreat

Retreat Pricing for April & June
Number of tickets available 8

April Pricing for singles
Paid in full £650 single person
(discount pay £150 less)
Paid in instalments total investment £750 single
Deposit £250 single 1st installment of £250 due 20th March
2nd installment of £250 due on 10th April. 

Pricing for couples Paid in full £1050 couple (discount pay £525 per person)

Paid in instalments total investment £1250 couples
Deposit £500 couple
1st installment of £375 due 20th March
2nd installment of £375 due on 10th April.

June Pricing for singles
Paid in full £650 single person (discount pay £150 less)
Paid in instalments total investment £750 single
Deposit £250 single 1st installment of £250 due 20th March
2nd installment of £250 due on 10th April.

Pricing for couples Paid in full £1050 couple (discount pay £525 per person)
Paid in instalments total investment £1250 couples Deposit £500 couple
1st installment of £375 due 30th April
2nd installment of £375 due on 30th May

Connection with Nature

Being immersed in natural surroundings promotes relaxation, reduces stress, and enhances overall well-being. Participants have the opportunity to connect with nature, breathe fresh air, and experience the calming effects of being outdoors.

Mindfulness and Presence

Retreat activities encourage mindfulness and present-moment awareness, helping participants cultivate a deeper sense of inner peace and clarity. Nature provides a serene backdrop for meditation, reflection, and self-discovery.

Emotional Healing

Nature has a profound healing effect on the mind and emotions, offering solace and comfort to those navigating life's challenges. The retreat provides a supportive environment for emotional processing, healing, and personal growth.

Schedule a Meeting

Friendly atmosphere
for all of your thoughts